Monte Sant’Angelo


MONTE SANT’ANGELO is one of the most beautiful and historic country of Italy. It is located on the mountainous promontory of Gargano, the latter also known as Spur of Italy, and is surrounded by green mountains and sea. Many pilgrims come every year in Monte Sant’Angelo to visit the Shrine of St. Michael, which is part of UNESCO since 2011. But just as there are many tourists who are called by the beauty of natural scenery and architecture of the place. In fact, although at 800m above sea level, Monte Sant’Angelo is only 15 km from the sea and allows visitors to combine the beach with pleasant days of hiking in the nearby and fantastic natural area of Umbra Forest, the latter protected by the National Park Gargano. Do not miss a visit to the castle on the highest part of the country, and the Tomb of Rotari, baptistery of the twelfth century, with precious reliefs on the portal, and of course a pleasant walk in the alleys of the characteristic Junno District, a neighborhood that was the sixth century with a typical medieval structure. And after the visit if feel tired and sluggish, don’t worry: the rich local gastronomy with its typical and homemade products led by large loaves of bread baked in wood-fired ovens will give you the energy you need to spend a unforgettable holiday.

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